VAT treatment of Free Zones
VAT is a general consumption tax imposed on most supplies of goods and services in the UAE. By default, it is chargeable on supplies of goods and services throughout the territorial area of the UAE. This territorial area will also include those areas currently defined as both fenced and non-fenced Free Zones. For VAT purposes, both fenced and unfenced Free Zones are considered to be within the territorial scope of the UAE – and therefore subject to the normal UAE VAT rules – unless they fulfil the criteria to be treated as a Designated Zone as defined by the Federal Decree-Law on VAT1 and Executive Regulations2. Those Free Zones which are Designated Zones are treated as being outside of the territory of the UAE for VAT purposes for specific supplies of goods. In addition, there are special VAT rules in respect of VAT treatment of certain supplies made within Designated Zones. The effect of these rules is that certain supplies of goods made within Designated Zones are not be subject to UAE VAT. In contrast, supplies of services made within Designated Zones are treated in the same way as supplies of services in the rest of the UAE. Important: Free Zones meeting the criteria have been specifically identified by way of a Cabinet Decision as Designated Zones. Where a Free Zone is not a Designated Zone, it is treated like any other part of the UAE.
Identification of a Designated Zone A Designated Zone is an area specified by a Cabinet Decision as being a “Designated Zone” 3. Free Zones listed by the Cabinet Decision as being a Designated Zone can be found under the Legislation tab on the FTA website ( Although an area might be identified as a Designated Zone, it is not automatically treated as being outside the UAE for VAT purposes. There are several main criteria4
which must be met in order for a Designated Zone to be treated as outside the UAE for VAT purposes. These are as follows: 1. The Designated Zone must be a specific fenced geographic area. 2. The Designated Zone must have security measures and Customs controls in place to monitor the entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from the Designated Zone. 3. The Designated Zone must have internal procedures regarding the method of keeping, storing and processing of goods within the Designated Zone. 4. The operator of the Designated Zone must comply with the procedures set out by the FTA. This means that where a Designated Zone has areas that meet the above requirements, and areas that do not meet the requirements, it will be treated as being outside the UAE only to the extent that the requirements are met. In addition, should a Designated Zone change the manner of its operation or no longer meet any of the conditions imposed on it which led to it being specified as a Designated Zone by way of the Cabinet Decision, it shall be treated as though it is located within the territory of the UAE5. Important: Only where a Designated Zone meets all the above tests it can be treated as outside the UAE for VAT purposes.
Entities within a Designated Zone Those businesses which are established, registered or which have a place of residence within the Designated Zone are deemed to have a place of residence in the UAE for VAT purposes6. The effect of this is that where a business is operating in a Designated Zone, it itself will be onshore for VAT purposes, even though some of its supplies of goods may be outside the scope of UAE VAT.
VAT registration Any person carrying on a business activity in the UAE and making taxable supplies in excess of the mandatory VAT registration threshold (i.e. a taxable person) must apply to be registered for VAT purposes.
Any other person that is making taxable supplies or incurring expenses (which are subject to VAT), in excess of the voluntary VAT registration threshold may apply to register for VAT purposes. Important: Designated Zone businesses are considered to be established ‘onshore’ in the UAE for VAT purposes. This means that they have the same obligations as non-Designated Zone businesses and have to register, report and account for VAT under the normal rules. It also means they can join a tax group (VAT group) provided they meet the required conditions.
1 Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, hereafter ‘the Law’. 2 Cabinet Decision No. (52) on the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree-Law No.(8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, hereafter the ‘Executive Regulations’. 3 Article 1, Executive Regulations: any area specified by a decision of the Cabinet upon the recommendation of the Minister, as a Designated Zone for the purpose of the Decree-Law. 4 Article 51(1), Executive Regulation.
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